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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0992c52.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-12  |  473KB  |  639x825  |  8-bit (255 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | grandstand | hakham | monitor | sky | window
OCR: GROWTH AND SECTOR FUNDS TOP OUR ROSTER OF SELECT TED CATEGORIES Growth funds sizzled for the first time this year rising 3.7% for the month partlsr O the streneth o1 surprisingly strong. jumps j in corporate earnings Sector funds led by financial serviccs portfolics, matched the growth funds return. herwever. And For the j past 17 months It was financia servicer fund Fidelic Savings & Loan that hested allother equity entries with 1 52.3% 1992 Partfollo Top porformers rlak ranked by one-year retum talos charae inves imen Telaphent GROWTH 1.PamassusFund 13.0 $2,000 800.994 3505 .CGM I Canttal Dorelopnent 0.5 None 2,500 - 800.345-4048 Putnam New Opportalles r.0 5.75 005 a00-225-1581 Princor Grenth 12:5 127: 1 42.0 5.1 300 00.247 4123 Cortrafunt 1-28 531.7 10.0 2.500 800.544-8888 CROWTH AND IN ...